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Delete unused list wiktionary-fr
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The mailing list wiktionary-fr has not been used for a long time (see archives : The only mails received for moderation are spams. I can't join the list administrator, and I can't opt-out of being a moderator for the list (and can't find any option for that), so all this list does is sending me spam.

I'd like to request this list to be deleted, or deactivated.

Event Timeline

Darkdadaah raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Darkdadaah updated the task description. (Show Details)
Darkdadaah subscribed.

Last real usage goes back to 2 years, archives don't directly seems relevant or of use currently. A deletion is fine though a disable will also be sufficient.

JohnLewis added a project: acl*sre-team.
JohnLewis set Security to None.

I disabled it. I ran the commands from our new script to disable lists in a unified manner. That means:

advertised=0 (not on listinfo page anymore)
emergency=1 (emergency moderation is on)
member_moderation_action=2 (moderated mails get auto-discarded)
generic_nonmember_action=2 (mails from non-members get discarded)
removed held messages from mailman ./data dir

manual: added "disabled" to list description field

@JohnLewis testing our script under "real life" conditions (on sodium which has tons of data in ./data) it seemed to hang at first and just not finish or throw an error. so at first i canceled it and ran the commands manually but exactly as in the script. then i figured out it's the find | grep part looking for heldmsg's. i timed it and it takes about 2m30s to run.

@Darkdadaah see above no more mails should be sent for this list and it's not advertised anymore. yet the archives are still here for history