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ContentTranslation has an unguarded call to localStorage.setItem()
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description calls localStorage.setItem() without a try/catch block. This is not recommended by the spec and is somewhat more likely to break on Wikipedia than other sites due to T66721.

Event Timeline

tstarling raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
tstarling updated the task description. (Show Details)
tstarling added a project: ContentTranslation.
tstarling subscribed.

Change 267649 had a related patch set uploaded (by Santhosh):
Fix: ContentTranslation has an unguarded call to localStorage.setItem()

santhosh triaged this task as Medium priority.
santhosh added a project: LE-CX8-Sprint 1.
santhosh moved this task from Backlog to In Review on the LE-CX8-Sprint 1 board.

Change 267649 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix: ContentTranslation has an unguarded call to localStorage.setItem()

Arrbee subscribed.