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Add extension and category (ala Eventlogging) for DashikiConfigs
Closed, ResolvedPublic13 Estimated Story Points


Dashiki: Add extension and category (ala Eventlogging) for DashikiConfigs

Event Timeline

Nuria raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Nuria updated the task description. (Show Details)
Nuria added a project: Analytics.
Nuria subscribed.
Danny_B renamed this task from Dashiki: Add extension and category (ala Eventlogging) for DashikiConfigs to Add extension and category (ala Eventlogging) for DashikiConfigs.May 24 2016, 8:40 PM

Change 323178 had a related patch set uploaded (by Milimetric):
Implement basic Dashiki extension

Change 323178 merged by jenkins-bot:
Implement basic Dashiki extension

Remains to be done:

  • Deploy to beta
  • Deploy to test wiki
  • Test
  • Deploy to production

Enable extension by enabling json config

Nuria set the point value for this task to 5.Jan 19 2017, 4:39 PM
Nuria changed the point value for this task from 5 to 13.

Change 333086 had a related patch set uploaded (by Milimetric):
Test mediawiki-Dashiki on the beta cluster

Please follow the checklist at, thanks! Notably, security review is needed before deploying to Beta Cluster.

@greg I did ask whether security review was required on this extension's original patch, and added Darian, but didn't get a clear answer. It seemed to me this was too simple to need security review, but how should I make sure? Ping Darian? I did try to stick to that checklist as closely as possible, I got a little lost in details.

Nothing is too simple for security review, but it's simple enough that I reviewed it in about 2 minutes. {{approved}} and will deploy to Beta today.

Change 333086 merged by Chad:
Test mediawiki-Dashiki on the beta cluster

Thank you for the merge. I've created to test, looks like it's either not working or not deployed yet, will follow up later.

I'm an idiot, it works perfectly fine, I'll wait a while and work on deploying this to meta.

After a positive discussion on meta's Babel page, created T156971 to track deployment to prod.

This has been deployed, and works as expected:

I will spend some time migrating all configurations over to the new sub-namespace and removing the old ones once dashboards are deployed.