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Add a tracking category to error "int" magic word usage
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Hello. It will be very nice if {{int:<unexisting message>}} will get tracking category, and we'll stop find these errors occasionally. Thank you.

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To clarify:

MediaWiki:Foo/<user-language> does not exist
MediaWiki:Foo does not exist
there is no definition of "Foo" in site language file
there is no definition of "Foo" in English language file
add tracking category

Or different set of conditions?

You know better than me all these details, @Danny_B. I just want to avoid the situation when some page has message title transcluded, rather than message text.

Do you actually have any example of such page? (Permalink welcome.) Thank you.

You can start with the examples in hewiki help:reference, section 1, permalink 18838846.

Hello, I encountered the need for such a category in Wikispecies.

Internationalization is done there through the use of system messages, see species:Wikispecies:Localization.

Occasionally, a new internationalized term is added to a page, using {{int:<new term>}}, and is displayed as ⧼<new term>⧽ since MediaWiki:<new term> has not been created yet.

Example in species:Pterophilus sudanensis: the page was created with the term {{int:Type host}} which was displayed as ⧼Type host⧽, since species:MediaWiki:Type host didn't exist before.

The conditions could be as follows:

{{int:Foo}} is added to a page
MediaWiki:Foo does not exist
add tracking category