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Add an id to editSummaryLabel div (Save panel)
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While the wikitext editor summary label has an id ("wpSummaryLabel"), the VisualEditor doesn't.
This is preventing the gadget ResumeDeluxe (source code) hook from working.
This gadget is doing the kind of thing intended by T54859, on both the wikitext editor and the VisualEditor.

Adding a "wpSummaryLabel" id (same one as for the wikitext editor) to that div would fix it, however it may be better to use something like "wpVESummaryLabel" to differentiate it.

The editSummaryLabel div code is located at;c707ab02b4ff32fff6313af3bec0437f0a67f8dd$305

Event Timeline

You don't need an ID to select UI components, see

I think in this case you want$editSummaryLabel

Thanks, it works great!