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Rename Mobile Content Service?
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Some thoughts:

  1. Is it really "Mobile" only, if so then lets keep the name, or
  2. Is it really a place for Reading specific APIs?

This is also related to:

Where we are discussing if that API is mobile specific or not. This is similar, is this suite of APIs mobile specific or not?

Why bother bringing this up?
Not to bike shed… but we are starting to adopt more RESTBase and MCS APIs across all of Reading. My feeling is that while a few APIs may be mobile specific, others will not be (see the new Anniversaries API: T143408)

Naming isn't the most important thing, but it may be nice to convey that these APIs are useful to a wide array of clients.

Thoughts here?

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Pchelolo subscribed.

Personally I don't really care about naming so renaming a service seems like a lot of unnecessary work, but there's a saying in russian which translates to something like "A ship will sail like it's called" and who am I to argue with the wisdom of proverbs.

Jokes aside I think that this renaming idea could be an opportunity for all of us to reflect on what MCS is, where is it going and what are the potential use-cases it would serve. When we have a clear view on that we'd probably come up with a good name, because I really don't want us to rename it once again in a year.

Since we have I wondered if this could be named for consistency. Is there any reason this could not be an official JSON representation of the page?

Just noting this is sort of being discussed in the main ticket as well… mostly I was tabling this topic until we finalize the requirements of the API and settle on the the format and delivery at the offsite later this month.

Feel free to discus more if you want, but just want to call out that settling on naming may be premature until then

Jhernandez claimed this task.
Jhernandez subscribed.

To be considered as part of PCS in production and moving/restructuring mobile apps repo to kubernetes.