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Option to Show and Hide Wikidata edits on RecentChanges is not working according to user or wiki preferences
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As a new user or a logged out user, when I go to RecentChanges page, I can click on a "show Wikidata edits". If I select it, I don't see Wikidata edits. It is confusing.

See also:

Event Timeline

I just tried this on And I see a Wikidata edit, with the big bold D. @Trizek-WMF, do you want to try again? (I had to set my results to 500 to see one...)

I've removed tags added by Krinkle: this ticket is not about ERI project but the classical RC page.

I've retried while logged-out, using a privacy mode on my browser to emulate a logged out user:

"Show Wikidata" selected"Hide Wikidata" selected
Capture d’écran_2017-07-07_14-15-53.png (868×1 px, 377 KB)
Capture d’écran_2017-07-07_14-16-07.png (871×1 px, 404 KB)

No D shown.

The delay for a Wikidata change to be sent to a wiki is usually longer than interval between 100 (250) consecutive edits on enwiki. (By the way, the original report did not include this information, which, as usually, makes it difficult to identify the problem.) I believe that you will see a plenty of them if you add some filters.