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Link previews of article containing <math> elements don't look nice
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Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to the Graph isomorphism article
  2. Go to the Whitney theorem section
  3. Tap on hypergraphs which is a link to the Hypergraph article

Expected results
The link preview isn't cluttered and is readable i.e., the math elements are shown in some nice way.

Actual results
The math elements don't look so nice and spoil the readability of the link preview.

Screen shots

preview too bad (isomorphism).png (1×1 px, 186 KB)

Environments observed
App version : alpha (28-07-2017)
Android version : 7.0
Device vendor : moto
Device model : g5 plus

Event Timeline

Dbrant subscribed.

The preview summary comes from the content service, and is not specific to the app.

This will be covered by the next generation summary endpoint, see T168848 and T171871. (The currently deployed summary is in RESTBase using the old TextExtracts API.)