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Integrate with the new Reading List API.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task encompasses the actual work of integrating our app with the new Reading List REST API.
The test server is set up at

Event Timeline

@Tgr Question about the reading list service:

The endpoint of /data/lists/changes/since/{date} correctly returns an empty list when there haven't been any changes. However, it also returns an empty list (and no error) when the reading lists haven't been set up for the user. Shouldn't it return an error code of readinglists-db-error-not-set-up?

Only the write operations check that. I can add it to the rest if you think it's helpful.

Yeah, at least in this particular case I think it will be useful on our end. This would be consistent with the /data/lists/ endpoint, which does in fact seem to return the error when lists aren't set up (which is also good).

Change 391048 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; owner: Dbrant):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Integrate with Reading List service.

Change 391048 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Integrate with Reading List service.