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RStudio web version on SWAP
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@yuvipanda just shared what he's been working on and it is SO COOL: which is – if I'm not mistaken – RStudio Server running on JupyterHub aka the thing SWAP (formerly PAWS Internal) runs on iirc.

I use notebooks sometimes but it's not my jam because I'm just not in love with that workflow/philosophy, even with the R kernel available. However, I use RStudio desktop IDE all the time. Their recent patch added Terminal inside the IDE so I've been SSHing to stat1005 and running local code remotely that way when I needed to work with private access data, but it would be super cool to use the web version of RStudio running on notebook1001. Especially when SWAP eventually gets Spark support and then we'll be able to use RStudio's connections feature:

Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 1.34.12 PM.png (791×1 px, 138 KB)

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