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Add "filter by original/modified text" to [[Special:AllMessages]]
Closed, DeclinedPublic


This page has thousands of messages. A user wishing to modify a message will always know the text they want to modify, but rarely know the name or prefix for that text.

Therefore filter by original/modified text will be extremely helpful to add here.

Event Timeline

@FT2: What is an "original/modified text"? You can already "Filter by customization state" (which seems to be what you call "modified"?
Or is this a duplicate of T22858? If it is, feel free to merge via Edit Related Tasks...Close As Duplicate. Thanks.

Unfortunately closing this report as no further information has been provided.
@FT2: After you have provided the information asked for, feel free to set the status of this report back to "Open" via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown if you disagree, or mark as a duplicate as explained. Thanks!