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[Lua task #12] Find the author
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Prerequisite: To work on this task, you MUST have knowledge of Lua programming already, or another language plus Lua tasks #01 to #09 here in Google Code-in. You will need to do considerable research and creation of test cases before starting to do the programming.

Wikipedia uses citations extensively to verify the content. A citation may have an author's name as a single piece of text, e.g. "Joe Orton" or sometimes "J Orton". Optionally, it may refine it into two pieces of information: a last name (often a family name) such as "Orton" and a given name such as "Joe". This is called increasing the data granularity.

The task of transforming from a single name to last name and given name can have complications that are difficult to encode algorithmically, so we might create a look-up table of exceptions to the general rule that the last name is the last word in the author's name.

1 Find as many examples as you can of authors whose names are not simply "Firstname(s) Lastname" and make a list of them in a new sandbox or section. You may need to search further to work out which have complex last names.

You can consult lists like for examples, and you can look through Wikipedia articles' citations for more.

2 Mark them up in your sandbox in a way that you can tell which part is first name and which is last name.

3 Write a new sandbox module that takes a single name and returns two parts: the first names and the last name. Give links here.

Event Timeline

I will mentor this in Google-Code-in-2017

Closing this task as it was a placeholder in Phab for Google-Code-in-2017 which is ending these days (no more new tasks can be claimed from now on in GCI 2017).