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NDA request for Samtar
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Back in T174316 I was added to the nda LDAP group, but due to the expiry of T170878 it appears to have been removed.

I'm requesting to be re-added to the nda group so that I can continue to access Logstash and Graphite/Grafana

Event Timeline

TheresNoTime added a subscriber: RobH.

cc @RobH who previously dealt with T174316

So if your NDA with WMF legal has expired, you'll have to get a new one signed and on file with them for this request.

Has that already been done? (If not, this will have to be stalled until its done.) Please advise,

Edit Addition: I could be mistaken on the NDA expiring, and it may just be this has to be re-evaluated and re-granted. @MoritzMuehlenhoff is more aware of these policies, being in a more security aligned role.

@RobH per T157483#3026051 "..NDA doesn't actually have an expiry date", I'm not entirely sure it has expired (I just think my access to the stats server has). Happy however to re-sign/be re-evaluated if needs be!

@samtar: You are indeed correct, as far as I can tell your NDA has no expiry set (I have access to the WMF NDA google sheet that lists everyone who has one on file and any expiry.)

I think this just means we can extend you access again, but I'm not 100% certain. Unfortuantely, a LOT of the SRE (Ops) team are traveling or at Fosdem this week.

If I cannot find an answer for this today, it may have to wait for our ops meeting on Monday. I'll be able to sync up with @MoritzMuehlenhoff and ensure I'm not breaking any policies by just adding your access back.

No rush by any definition of the word :-)

herron triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 5 2018, 2:47 PM

Ok, we chatted about this in the SRE meeting. It seems your shell account, and thus your ldap account, had rights revoked due to regular account auditing. It seems at that time a number of users were pinged via phabricator and had their accounts deactivated for non use.

No one has any objections to re-granting your ldap user the NDA flag, since your NDA is still on file and you are in good standing. I'll take care of it shortly.

Ops note: samtar's user is already in the shell user section, but listed as absented. I'm not entirely certain which will work, so I'll try adding him to the ldap users section first and see if it complains. Just FYI since they'll be patchsets linked into this task after this comment, which may or may not pass testing.

Change 408320 had a related patch set uploaded (by RobH; owner: RobH):
[operations/puppet@production] adding samtar to ldap users

Change 408320 merged by RobH:
[operations/puppet@production] adding samtar to ldap users

RobH claimed this task.

@samtar: Ok, I've added back the NDA flag to your ldap account! Let me know if you have any further questions.