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Update place refresh icon in Special:Nearby
Closed, ResolvedPublic


nearby-empty state.png (1×750 px, 114 KB)

The refresh icon in the header does not match wikimedia style guide.

Updated icon here:

Event Timeline

Nirzar edited projects, added Design (RW-Design-Debt); removed Design.
Nirzar moved this task from Backlog to UI Standardization on the Design (RW-Design-Debt) board.

Removing myself as assignee as I don't have time to work on this in near future.

@alexhollender this needs rethinking as we've now dropped the refresh icon from the UI. It's not ready to be worked on.

@Jdlrobson right. @Nirzar should we close this and somehow incorporate it in T169162, or come up with a solution for adding the refresh button back in the meantime? I feel like I remember someone pointing out that refresh isn't particularly useful on this page. Any context on why it was there? Do we still want it?

let's close this, fix it as part of special page template