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Namespace conflicts on simple.wikiquote
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It has been reported at that there are some titles that cause namespace conflicts (because it starts with Q:, which the system interprets as an interwiki link for wikiquote).

Please run namespaceDupes.php so those can be fixed in order for the contents to remain accesible, even if the wiki has been locked ages ago.

Thank you.

Event Timeline

Could it be first run in dry-run mode so I can see how many conflicts do we have? Thanks.

Dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Working on on the Wikimedia-Site-requests board.

All the namespaces and titles are correct:

$ mwscript namespaceDupes.php simplewikiquote 
0 pages to fix, 0 were resolvable.

0 links to fix, 0 were resolvable.

Looks good!
Dereckson subscribed.

Seems more interwiki related.

It seems I misunderstood the problem. There's no "Q:..." page. They requested to create one titled as such. Obviously that'd cause the page to be redirected as expected. Not doing. Sorry for the inconvenience.