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Kartotherian security vulnerabilities
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Via github alerts,

kartotherian/server depends on lodash < 4.17.11 which is impacted by CVE CVE-2018-16487.

A prototype pollution vulnerability was found in lodash <4.17.11 where the functions merge, mergeWith, and defaultsDeep can be tricked into adding or modifying properties of Object.prototype.

kartotherian/server depends on cached-path-relative < 1.0.2 which is impacted by CVE CVE-2018-16472.

A prototype pollution attack in cached-path-relative versions <=1.0.1 allows an attacker to inject properties on Object.prototype which are then inherited by all the JS objects through the prototype chain causing a DoS attack.

Event Timeline

Also seeing this in kartotherian/babel

chasemp subscribed.

This seems like it needs more eyes?

lodash vulnerability is fixed at least since

For kartotherian/server: see

For kartotherian/babel: see

cached-path-relative is also already fix in kartotherian/server and it's not a dependency in babel, see.

Marking it as resolved, but please reopen if I'm missing something.

sbassett changed the visibility from "Custom Policy" to "Public (No Login Required)".Dec 11 2019, 4:21 PM
sbassett moved this task from Backlog / Other to Done on the acl*security board.
sbassett awarded a token.