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Wikidata main page can't be accessed using non-English language
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Switch your language to any non-English language
  3. Click Wikidata logo on top left.


You're sent to


You're sent to language-dependent name of main page (Czech "Hlavní strana"), which doesn't exist.


Tested with cs.wikipedia, CNR. Seems to be Wikidata-specific ATM. Boldly triaging to UBN, since this issue affect basically everyone using non-English interface => quite a lot of users.

Event Timeline

Urbanecm triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Jul 24 2019, 3:20 PM

Not good indeed but I don't think this deserves unbreak. Adding it to campside to get it investigated.

@matej_suchanek do you by any chance know if this is defined on-wiki? And if so where?

Lydia_Pintscher lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to High.Jul 24 2019, 4:27 PM
Michael raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.Jul 24 2019, 4:28 PM
Michael subscribed.
This comment was removed by Michael.

Search "Hlavní strana" returns nothing and MediaWiki:Mainpage/cs is correct, so this seems to be in the code...

Michael triaged this task as High priority.Jul 24 2019, 4:33 PM

OK, I have fixed the problem for cs by purging but that’s not a great solution…

Note that prior to that, {{int:Mainpage}} did show Hlavní strana when using cs language.

Not reproducible using Chinese (zh), firefox 69.0.1

Subscriptshoe9 subscribed.

Not reproducible using Chinese, google chrome 79.0.3945.79.
BTW I notice that it hasn't chosen Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese automatically, I would propose this problem separately.

I'd not close this task until we're absolutely sure that the issue got fixed.
As far as I understand, the issue exists for a long time, and I don't see any piece of code that was deployed to solve it. What makes you think that the problem is solved?

What makes you think that the problem is solved?

Nobody was able to reproduce it since July.

Ammarpad raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.Dec 30 2019, 11:45 AM
Logan8700- subscribed.

I went to the website, I changed the lang, I clicked to the logo in the top left and the website has the good reaction.
I cannot reproduce.

I can't reproduce either (I switched from english to french)