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Phabricator should reuse confirmed MediaWiki email during registration
Closed, ResolvedPublicFeature


When you register on Phabricator using MediaWiki OAuth, it will prompt you for an email address, then send you through an email verification process, even though MediaWiki provides it with an already verified email address. That's a crappy user experience. (It's extra crappy when it happens during Phabricator's own OAuth process, such as in the case of a login-registration, since during email verification Phabricator completely abandons the original action that caused it to prompt the user to register, so the Discourse registration process gets restarted.)


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Allow to change email address (from MediaWiki SUL) at account registrationrepos/phabricator/phabricator!54aklapperT230590customEmailAddresswmf/stable
Preset MediaWiki SUL email address via OAuth at account registrationrepos/phabricator/extensions!35aklapperT230590accountRegEmailwmf/stable
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

during email verification Phabricator completely abandons the original action that caused it to prompt the user to register, so the Discourse registration process gets restarted

To be a little clearer, this is how it should work:

  1. user clicks on "register" in Discourse (discuss-space)
  2. user is sent to Phab for OAuth authorization
  3. user is not logged in, Phab shows "login" screen (ie. SUL login button)
  4. user clicks button
  5. user is sent to for the OAuth authorization (for Phab app)
  6. user accepts authorization dialog
  7. Phab copies verified email address
  8. user is sent back to Phab
  9. Phab shows its own OAuth authorization dialog (for Discourse app)
  10. user accepts
  11. user is sent back to Discourse and logged in

In actual reality, step 7 doesn't happen, and instead of step 9 Phab asks the user to provide an email address, then sends a verification email, then (after verification) doesn't send him anywhere.

Aklapper moved this task from To Triage to Needs code (in Phab or bot) on the Phabricator board.
Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Jan 4 2024, 10:17 PM

Phab copies verified email address

Does MediaWiki allow accessing a user's email address and/or OAuth allow passing the email address?

Consumers with either the mwoauth-authonlyprivate or the privateinfo grant can use the OAuth profile endpoint to get the email address. (Consumers with privateinfo can also just use the API, e.g. userinfo.)

@Tgr: Thanks for that info. Without it I would not have given this a try! <3
I tried locally (still had a MediaWiki 1.41.0-alpha (bb40716) from 18 July 2023 in parallel to local Phab) and for some reason I do not succeed:

Still, after $this->userinfo = $this->decodeAndVerifyJWT($body, $nonce); in , a json_encode($this->userinfo) shows that the email address of the MediaWiki user is not included in the data:
'{"userid":17,"username":"A123456","groups":["sysop","*","user","autoconfirmed"],"blocked":false,"editcount":0}' at [/var/www/html/wmfphab/deployment/libext/misc/src/oauth/PhutilMediaWikiAuthAdapter.php:122]

I can successfully register an account via MediaWiki OAuth in my local Phab and the username gets set as the default username in Phab's account registration form, so things generally work. I just do not get the email address of the MediaWiki user, for reasons I don't understand.

You need to confirm the email address (via the button at the bottom of Special:Preferences, or the email you get right after signup, or by using shell.php and doing something like MW::user('my-username')->confirmEmail()). Although you should still have an email field without that, it's just empty. And other data is missing too (the response should have fields like confirmed_email, registered, rights) so I assume this data is already somewhat post-processed?

Thanks again, you were right with everything in your last comment. :D

aklapper opened

Allow to change email address (from MediaWiki SUL) at account registration

brennen merged

Allow to change email address (from MediaWiki SUL) at account registration

This got deployed/resolved on 2024-05-28.