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Section fragment information stripped from webrequests
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Based on my exploration, our current webrequest data does not retain fragment information from the URL that indicates which section of the article is being linked to -- i.e. anything following the # sign in a URL. There is no immediate use-case for this information but it could be valuable for understanding the relative importance of different sections in articles and feels more like a bug than an intentional decision. Fragment examples:

It is possible that not storing this information is purposeful, but I wanted to have a task to at least document that this is missing from our webrequest logs.

A few possible places where #Etymology_and_nicknames might be stored as with the above example:

  • Most cleanly as a new column in webrequests uri_fragment, though this would require a schema change to webrequest and I understand that that might not be desirable.
  • In the pageview_info map, though including it as part of the page_title parameter would likely break some of the downstream usages of this data that are not expecting section information -- e.g., when aggregating page views or joining with other tables to resolve redirects
  • As part of X-Analytics, though that might be viewed as hacky and not what X-Analytics was intended for.

Event Timeline

Fragments aren't even sent in requests, they are handled entirely client side.

I was just thinking recently it would be interesting to see how commonly fragment links are used, and how often they are broken (pointing to a non-existent section). Seems like it would need EventLogging or something similar though.

Isaac claimed this task.

Fragments aren't even sent in requests, they are handled entirely client side.

@Pcoombe oh yikes, good point, thanks! I had thought I had verified that it was sent as part of the URL but you're right that it's purely client-side. Well I suppose that resolves why we do not currently track it :)

For reference, after some further digging, we do have an EventLogging schema for this sort of thing:
And there's a task (T200810) focused on reimplementing the schema (for A/B tests, but this would also provide some general statistics)
This ad-hoc data collection actually feels more appropriate to me than trying to collect it wholesale through webrequests, at least while we don't have a strong, on-going use-case for the data.