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Wiki read-only
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When goes into read-only mode, AWB halts, pops up a message box: "The wiki is currently in read-only mode. Reason: ...". When AWB is in bot mode, and nudging is enabled, without operator intervention AWB will automatically resume doing whatever it was doing before the read-only mode event.

But, following automatic resumption of whatever it was that the AWB bot task was doing, if the bot operator clicks OK in the message box (or the X in the upper right corner) to dismiss the error message, bot operation halts.

This is unexpected and undesirable.

Upon automatic resumption of bot operation, AWB should automatically dismiss the message box or, barring that, if AWB has been nudged back into operation, dismissing the message box should not cause AWB to halt as if the operator had clicked the Stop button on the Start tab.

Event Timeline

Rjwilmsi claimed this task.
Rjwilmsi subscribed.

rev 12395 StartDelayedRestartTimer rather than Stop if get wiki readonly error