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Membership fees 2020
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Create invoices and send e-mails to all who have not paid the membership fee for 2020.

  • Check payments in Swedbank, so that we don't send an invoice to someone who has just paid their membership fee.
  • Remove any unpaid reminders from Fortnox.
  • Keep an eye on medlem@ and info@ for bounces and in case people have questions about our e-mail or letter. Update this page if there are questions which might be asked again.


  • Create an invoice for 2020 and an e-mail to go with the invoice, see Medlemskapsförnyelse.
  • Send invoices to those who have e-mail addresses.
  • Create a letter version of the e-mail that goes with the invoice.
  • Send letters to those who don't have e-mail addresses, include a call to give us their e-mail address.
  • Remove e-mail address for members whose e-mails bounce, and send them a letter instead.
  • Remove addresses for members whose letters are undeliverable, and decide how to handle these members (that is, members who have no functioning e-mail address or postal address).
  • Register payments weekly.
  • Send electronic reminder to those who have not paid when the invoice has expired. Before sending the reminder, check for payments in Swedbank, so that we don't send it to someone who has just paid their membership fee.
  • Send paper reminder to those who have not paid when the invoice has expired. Before sending the reminder, check for payments in Swedbank, so that we don't send it to someone who has just paid their membership fee.


  • Create an invoice for 2020 and an e-mail to go with the invoice, see Medlemskapsförnyelse.
  • Send invoices to those who have e-mail addresses and do not require an e-invoice.
  • Send e-invoices to those who require this.
  • Register payments.
  • Send a reminder to those who have not paid when the invoice has expired. Before sending the reminder, check for payments in Swedbank, so that we don't send it to someone who has just paid their membership fee.


  • January 2020: e-mail sent to all members, asking them to renew their membership (letters to the 14 members who didn't have an e-mail adress). E-invoice to one organisation, sent through Fortnox.
  • Februari 2020: e-mail reminders sent to individuals who had not paid, a total of 278, and to organisations who had not paid, a total of 2.
  • February 2020: paper reminders sent to all who had not paid and had a post address in Sweden, a total of 190.

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Event Timeline

Jopparn edited projects, added WMSE (Economy); removed WMSE.