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Redirect not handled for /page/html/51%_attack
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to Reproduce: GET

Actual Results:

"type": "server_error#empty_response",
"title": "HyperSwitch error: No content returned by backend.",
"method": "get"

Expected Results: The redirect is detected, and the Parsoid HTML for the redirect target ("Double-spending") is returned.

Event Timeline

I wondered if this was due to the lack of URL escaping of the '%', but that appears to be a red-herring as 51%25_attack has the same pattern of errors. Oddly, the error continues to appear but depends
on the endpoint: /page/title/ works

$ curl ''
{"items":[{"title":"51%_attack","page_id":43151859,"rev":1021032713,"tid":"93788330-28be-11ee-8125-011782d5231f","namespace":0,"user_id":41419081,"user_text":"Kleinpecan","timestamp":"2021-05-02T14:43:47Z","comment":"R to section","tags":[],"restrictions":[],"page_language":"en","redirect":true}]}

but /page/summary/ and /page/html/ fail:

 $ curl ''
{"type":"server_error#empty_response","title":"HyperSwitch error: No content returned by backend.","method":"get"}
$ curl ''
{"type":"server_error#empty_response","title":"HyperSwitch error: No content returned by backend.","method":"get"}