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Requesting access to #wikimedia-security for sobanski
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Could you invite me to #wikimedia-security?

Event Timeline

chasemp subscribed.

@LSobanski not passing the buck I swear! @Dsharpe has been handling this as part of our Fusion Center function so I'll leave it to his process.

Welcome aboard @LSobanski ! Would you mind first going through the IRC nickname/cloak instructions at please? That provides a little more protection around your account.

I already registered my name and sent a cloak request. Should I update this ticket once the cloak is active?

One thing I missed previously was enabling NickServ enforcement, but that's done now as well.

@LSobanski I'll check every couple days to see when the cloak change goes into effect, but if you see it first, please update here. Thank you!

Hi @LSobanski I invited you to #wikimedia-security . Can you successfully access that channel now?

Doesn't look like it. I still get auto-kicked with a "you must be invited" message.

I just now invited you again. Please try again.

"You were kicked by ChanServ: You are not authorized to be on this channel"

sbassett triaged this task as Low priority.
sbassett moved this task from Incoming to Our Part Is Done on the Security-Team board.
sbassett subscribed.

Calling this done now.