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Visual Editor DisableForAnons not working?
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Set "$wgVisualEditorDisableForAnons = true;"
  2. Try to edit a page as a non-logged in user.

Actual Results:
Visual Editor opens.

Expected Results:
Visual Editor does not open, but Wikieditor does, as Visual Editor is prohibited from anon-use.

Want to do that until Captcha is fixed, as otherwise Anons cannot edit pages on my wiki - Visual Editor is forced for anyone else.

Event Timeline

Change 657389 had a related patch set uploaded (by Esanders; owner: Esanders):
[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@master] Factor out disableVETabsForAnons

Thanks for the patch, i applied it to my MediaWiki installation and it disables VisualEditor for Anons.
Unfortunately, it does not disable VisualEditor Wikitext 2017 which is activated by default and forced to be used.
I'm not sure if that is intended (it's a part of VisualEditor and causes the same issue with ReCaptcha not working, hence Anons not able to actually edit pages) or maybe even because I applied the patch to a version before 1.36, but i wanted to leave this feedback.

At least with that patch i can make Anons be able to edit with VisualEditor by default, even though now registered users have to manually activate Wikitext 2017 editor.

Confirmed issue is still present in MW 1.41.