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LDAP access to the wmf group for Maryana Pinchuk
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi, I'm requesting to be added to the 'wmf' LDAP group to access Superset/Turnilo. I'm a full-time WMF employee, and my Wikitech username is User:MPinchuk

Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 634194 had a related patch set uploaded (by JMeybohm; owner: JMeybohm):
[operations/puppet@production] admin: add maryana to ldap_only_users

Change 634194 merged by JMeybohm:
[operations/puppet@production] admin: add maryana to ldap_only_users

JMeybohm claimed this task.
JMeybohm subscribed.


Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 10.48.29 AM.png (850×834 px, 96 KB)

I'm getting this error message when I try to log in to – is this expected?

@Maryana It seems you are trying to log in using the wrong username (hence the access denied message). Can you please use Maryana instead? According to, your account is in the wmf group, and should be able to login. Apparently, the commit used the wrong username "maryana" rather than MPinchuk as requested in the task. If you insist on MPinchuk, feel free to re-open this task.

(note the maryana account is also a member of analytics project at Cloud VPS, while the MPinchuk is completely unprivileged)

Oops – thanks, @Urbanecm! Logged in through Maryana and it worked. In other news, I have way too many WMF accounts ;)