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Bug display on fr.Wikiversity
Closed, InvalidPublic


Hi, just a new task for checking what's happen on one of my PhD thesis chapter edited here ; I can't found how to fix the problem of complet wrong display of the page. So I think that's maybe a deeper proble than Wikicode syntaxe error. Cheers !

Event Timeline

Here is the step edition when the bug was stating after a modification without the visual éditor :
That's probably something liked with table.

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Feb 26 2021, 2:21 PM
Aklapper added a project: VisualEditor.

Hi @Lionel_Scheepmans, thanks for taking the time to report this!
It looks like the edit in added repeated sections multiple times? For future reference, it would really help if you could follow and 1) provide steps to reproduce, 2) what you expect to happen, 3) what happened instead, in different sections. Thanks.
Are you sure that you did not accidentally copied the content and pasted it several times? This needs steps to reproduce, I'm afraid.

This is not a "display bug". This is the actual content on the page. See the links that I posted.

Thanks for recommendations. I have to do a lot of things better, and now I'm already late to catch my son at school as I want. Life is not so simple... Have a nice day !

Aklapper removed a project: VisualEditor.

Thanks. For future reference, please bring up such issues in a technical support forum if they are not bugs in the software code, as that's out of scope for Phabricator.