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Configuration Management for Kafka settings
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- name: "foo" # topicName:
    replication.factor: "2"
    num.partitions: "3"

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Ottomata added a subscriber: colewhite.

WOW, this would be really great to manage ACLs (at least on paper)

I know, "only NINETY NINE CENTS...WOW" right?!

@Ottomata, @elukey any updates on this? Should we keep it open/close it/stall it?

I would like to see config management for Kafka topics one day, ideally integrating with EventStreamConfig (or whatever we use to declare and manage streams (and their schemas).

However, for the most part, this is only useful if we have a lot of topics that need multiple partitions, or a practice of enforcing ACLs on topics. To do the ACLs right we also need some authentication for Kafka. We can do thise now with TLS certs, but automating the process of creating and deploying TLS certs for lots and lots of different users and streams isn't really (I think?) scalable. Kafka can use Kerberos...but Kerberos is a pain with k8s so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, in summary, we would like to do this, but it is still low priority.

akosiaris changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Dec 5 2022, 5:28 PM

Cool, thanks for that write up @Ottomata. I am gonna switch to Stalled, to reflect noone is currently working on it but it's still a want to do.

Ottomata renamed this task from Consider Julie for managing Kafka settings, perhaps even integrating with Event Stream Config to Configuration Management for Kafka settings.Oct 3 2023, 4:30 PM

I've taken a couple of hours to whip up this PoC, very unimaginatively called kafka-configurator.

# This is what the test configuration looks like
brouberol@kafka-test1006:~$ cat kafka-configurator-config.yaml 
  bootstrap: localhost:9092

    config: true
    acls: false
    config: false
    acls: false

    config: '86200000'
      cleanup.policy: compact

# I check what config might already exist for this topic
brouberol@kafka-test1006:~$ kafka topics --describe --topic test-brouberol
Topic:test-brouberol	PartitionCount:1	ReplicationFactor:3	Configs:cleanup.policy=compact,delete # <-- existing config
	Topic: test-brouberol	Partition: 0	Leader: 1008	Replicas: 1008,1006,1007	Isr: 1008,1006,1007

# I run the script that should add one config ( and update another (cleanup.policy)
brouberol@kafka-test1006:~$ ./kafka-configurator -c kafka-configurator-config.yaml
02/01/2024 13:27:55 [INFO] Applying the following configuration: {'test-brouberol': {'': '86200000', 'cleanup.policy': 'compact'}}

# I make sure the script had the expected effect
brouberol@kafka-test1006:~$ kafka topics --describe --topic test-brouberol
kafka-topics --zookeeper zookeeper-test1002.eqiad.wmnet/kafka/test-eqiad --describe --topic test-brouberol
Topic:test-brouberol	PartitionCount:1	ReplicationFactor:3,cleanup.policy=compact
	Topic: test-brouberol	Partition: 0	Leader: 1008	Replicas: 1008,1006,1007	Isr: 1008,1006,1007

The script itself is very small and uses librdkafka, for forward-looking compatibility.

The way I see it, we could try to support 4 different cases:

  1. Adding/updating topic-level configuration when existing in the config file and not in kafka
  2. Deleting any topic-level configuration override existing in kafka and not in the config file
  3. Adding/updating ACLs when they exist in the config file and not in kafka
  4. Deleting any ACLs existing in kafka and not in the config file

Right now, the PoC only support scenario 1.