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Uploading ~160MB DjVu by URL results in 503 error at Commons and failed upload
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I am trying to upload a file (that I constructed myself) of around 160MB. It is the DjVu file here:

Following multiple (API upload, IA-Upload, UploadWizard) failed upload attempts, all bugged in one way or another I tried a direct URL upload:

  • Direct URL upload via Special:Upload&uploadformstyle=basic:

This results in the following error:

Request from <IP> via cp3056 cp3056, Varnish XID 43428064
Error: 503, Backend fetch failed at Tue, 13 Apr 2021 16:04:44 GMT

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

I suspect this is the same cause as T292954#7473355. Any logs from April are long gone now unfortunately so it's impossible to say for sure unless you can reproduce it.

Inductiveload claimed this task.

Well, I have also completely forgotten the context of this and evidently I did eventually manage to upload, so...yeah, I guess this can just be subsumed into the others and called "resolved" :-D.