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Trust & Safety badge
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please award Trust & Safety badge to the following accounts (members of the T&S team).

Remove the badge from the following members as they are no longer with the T&S team.

Event Timeline

Nahid triaged this task as Lowest priority.May 21 2021, 8:35 AM
Nahid moved this task from To Triage to Administration (UI) on the Phabricator board.
hashar subscribed.

Browse to one of the person having the badge, click the badge title which should bring you to Then on the left side bar there is a View Recipients link. Aren't you able to remove / add recipients of the badge from this page? Or it might require a specific permission in this case I will happily handle it. has:

Currently all active badges can only be awarded by administrators.

Sorry :]

I have done the request changes which can be verified on the list of recipients: