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Feature request: position language and language edit better
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for multilingual persons, switching to a different language version of a page is one of the most common actions. vector21 has the great feature to place the important languages on top of the list. unfortunately they do not show up immediate, but in a dropdown, so a click more. could you please place the languages back into the sidebar? mabe even on the top as it is only a couple of languages which are shown by default?

vector21 exposes a language edit link in the sidebar, which i can understand, as the languages were before there and a cog wheel was there to edit them. but now it is not intuitive any more. edit source, edit visual is on top right, edit language links on the left. more intuitive would be to place edit links together.

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from vector21 could position langauge and language edit better to vector21: could position language and language edit better.Oct 16 2021, 12:30 PM
Jdlrobson renamed this task from vector21: could position language and language edit better to Feature request: position language and language edit better.Oct 22 2021, 9:10 PM