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App gives no indication that user script pages are protected when reading them
Open, LowPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Navigate to any user script page that is not your own in the Android App
  • Look at the various editing icons

What happens?:
The app displays the normal editing icons (pencils) without any indication that the page is protected

What should have happened instead?:
The app should display the pencil with closed padlock icon, which is used on all other protected pages that the user cannot edit

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

  • App version: 2.7.50413-r-2022-07-14

Screenshot_20220718-205728_Wikipedia.jpg (2×1 px, 270 KB)

Event Timeline

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.Jul 21 2022, 4:12 PM
LGoto added a project: Content-Transform-Team.
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Tracking on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.

Thank you for filing this task, we are going to escalate it to the team that would be able to fix it

@Asartea , could you provide a link to the protected user script page? This page, for example, is not protected and can be editable by any user both from the mobile app and a desktop.

@cscott , I've tried to open the page with .js at the end of URL on the local mobileapss instance (http://localhost:8888/, but got Dummy output. Parsoid does not support content model javascript. See T324711. error message. Any chances to get this page locally?

The content on the app doesn't seem to be generated by the mobile html service, as the mobile html service shows the output that @vadim-kovalenko shows above and returns 400 for these pages (T324711). So this is probably not a mobile html service bug but instead a bug in the app itself, specifically whatever fallback path the app is using to generate content for these pages after the mobile html service returns 400. (I note that it is rendering the javascript "as if it were wikitext" as well, so there are bigger problems here than "just" the presence of the edit button.)

@vadim-kovalenko points out that "works" in production -- which apparently is just because production is still pointed to RESTBase while the development instance is pointed to the core APIs which are expected to replace RESTBase. So once that switchover is complete, apps will start displaying the "dummy content" message instead of any output, which is a bug in itself likely. Generally apps should be using the same mechanism for "non wikitext content" pages as it does for (eg) Special pages. The question is how apps should know that a given Title corresponds to a non-wikitext content type.

This might get fixed implicitly by RESTBase deprecation.

MSantos edited projects, added RESTBase Sunsetting; removed Content-Transform-Team-WIP.
MSantos subscribed.