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Not enough memory in Mon Wiktionary
Closed, InvalidPublic


What is not enough memory? Please review this page ထး, thanks.

Event Timeline

Aklapper closed this task as Invalid.EditedAug 24 2022, 10:43 AM

Becauseထာမ်ပလိက်:inh is not performant. See the HTML source code ofထး :

NewPP limit report
Parsed by mw1391
Cached time: 20220824084527
Cache expiry: 1814400
Reduced expiry: false
Complications: [show‐toc]
CPU time usage: 0.244 seconds
Real time usage: 0.281 seconds
Preprocessor visited node count: 168/1000000
Post‐expand include size: 4865/2097152 bytes
Template argument size: 304/2097152 bytes
Highest expansion depth: 9/100
Expensive parser function count: 0/500
Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20
Unstrip post‐expand size: 0/5000000 bytes
Lua time usage: 0.192/10.000 seconds
Lua memory usage: 52428795/52428800 bytes
Number of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400
Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)
100.00%  263.164      1 -total
 88.69%  233.393      5 ထာမ်ပလိက်:inh
  4.51%   11.875      1 ထာမ်ပလိက်:IPA
  3.45%    9.091      1 ထာမ်ပလိက်:check_deprecated_lang_param_usage
  3.25%    8.541      1 ထာမ်ပလိက်:mnw-noun
  2.89%    7.606      3 ထာမ်ပလိက်:head
  2.46%    6.477      1 ထာမ်ပလိက်:deprecated_code
  1.48%    3.891      1 ထာမ်ပလိက်:=mnw=
  1.32%    3.472      1 ထာမ်ပလိက်:ksw-noun
  0.79%    2.091      1 ထာမ်ပလိက်:=language=

In general, please bring up general technical questions on - thanks a lot! :)

(See also T308796: Lua error: Not enough memory due to several templates in pages (please no "me too" comments).)

I don't understand what to do next. actually, I'm still not very good at using wikis. if possible, I need help to solve this issue, I am currently working alone on Mon Wiktionary, thanks.