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Support for transliteration variants
Open, Needs TriagePublic


In Wikidata, the following scripts are currently supported to represent Sumerian cuneiform:
sux-latn as one representation of Sumerian in the Latin script
sux-xsux as the representation of Sumerian in Unicode cuneiform
However, for the representation sux-latn, there are different conventions that Assyriologists use, and we could break them down into about three variants.
For example:
"dešum" (abundant) may be written as "deszum" or "deshum" and some variants use diacritics or subscript numbers to differentiate between different cuneiform sign variants
As I understand: I could add these variants as mis-x-[QID of my variant], but is there any chance of defining "subvariants" of scripts, e.g. sux-latn-dia for diacritics, as long as the different representations in the latin alphabet are sufficiently defined, accepted and used by a specific community?

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You could try sux-x-QID as I don't think that format is limited to mis. The advantage of using a QID is that it may be localised; what would be nice is to render a label based on the QID

Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, sux-x-QID does not work. We can only use mis-x-QID.
However, I believe, meanwhile, we have found a solution to our problem.
In this example, we added transliteration relations to the lexical forms, and that would solve the issue for us.
If that is appropriate, this issue can be closed and we would not need further support.