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"revreview-quick-see-basic" overlaps watchstar in Vector 2022
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The location of the revreview-quick-see-basic control in Vector 2022 overlaps the article toolbar:

Legacy vector (link)Vector 2022 (link)
Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 2.24.51 PM.png (826×2 px, 507 KB)
Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 2.24.29 PM.png (904×2 px, 416 KB)

Event Timeline

The web team doesn't maintain FlaggedRevisions and my understanding is that extension is more or less frozen, so fixing this will be.. interesting :)

Obligatory links: T185664: Code stewardship review: FlaggedRevs and T277883: Drop all low-use and unused features of FlaggedRevs to make it more maintainable

Note that this is one of four possible UI of FR. I think this is lowProfile set to False I think. You probably need to check the rest of them as well

Consolidating these options and reworking the design of it would be amazing (to simplify the code). I always recommend to look at FR and its features/UI/code through the lens "What can I remove or simplify?"

Tacsipacsi subscribed.

This is a local customization: in safemode (which disables local gadgets, Common.css/js etc.), it’s fine.

Screenshot 2022-10-19 at 22-05-00 Red Dwarf - Vikipedio.png (165×961 px, 28 KB)

A local interface admin may want to put the FlaggedRevs box in the indicator area on Vector 2022 (this is what I did on huwiki).