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Stop counting modifications of ranking as edits in the ISA Tool
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Users of ISA tool campaign challenges are gaming the system by toggling the rank normal/preferred on depicts to increase their edit account rate ON the ISA tool.
This create disruption

  • bad vibes amongst participants to the ISA
  • « spam » on Commons with multiple useless changes to an image description

It is proposed that changes of depicts RANKS be removed from counting edits in the ISA tool. Only adding/changing/removing depicts and adding/removing/changing captions would count.

Event Timeline

I would add: I hope someone is doing a serious analysis of the edits made through the ISA tool. So far, I have not seen a single non-trivial good edit, and have seen a ton of edits that are either low-value or outright wrong.

Jmabel, there are good edits (
But I agree we need to stop doing the little competitions until the ranking system is fixed (not counted as an edit) as some people use that to vandalise Commons.
Needs to put an hold on prizes too.

I hope very very very much someone decides to pick up this task and fix the issue.

@Anthere, sorry, but Mutasim Elmahadi is, in fact, one of the people who has kept flipping ranks back and forth on one of my photos, and adding redundant "depicts", while completely missing the point of what is actually primarily depicted in the photo.

I know. My statement and my link above is about Ms Lito. Not about Mutasim. You were wondering whether there EVER were good edits using the tool. And yes, there are. Ms Lito is not misusing the tool. Many people are using it correctly, and not abusing Commons. That was all I was saying.

I agree with you that Mutasim is one of the few jerks who are stupidly flipping back and forth the rank preference, completely misusing the tool and thus damaging Commons and massively annoying the community.

NavinoEvans moved this task from Pending to Incoming features on the ISA board.