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Combine disparate page-bottom elements into single customisable wikitext footer.
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):

Combine disparate page-bottom elements (1) "privacy policy", (2) about {{SITENAME}}, (3) "General disclaimer" (4) Mediawiki:lastmodifieddat and (5) Mediawiki: copyright into single page footer (along with "site license" and "powered by Mediawiki"?). All into single wikitext footer, to be displayed at the bottom of every page.

Note: Mediawiki:lastmodifieddat is not currently displayed at the bottom of (1) special pages (2) nonexistent pages.

Suggest use the basic code for Mediawiki:lastmodifieddat but make sure it gets displayed on *all* pages. Then incorporate the other elements together and deprecate the old elements.

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):

Would allow simple customisation to a site's needs using Wikitext. A simple switch can be used to return the last modified date if the page exists. Standard copyright notice on every page.

Simple, elegant solution. The best solutions always are.

Would solve T45646: "MediaWiki:Copyright" message allows raw HTML

Event Timeline

This would break many existing customizations used on Wikimedia wikis, such as additional links (e.g. "Mobile view" and "Developers") and per-page copyright notices (e.g. see I don't think it's feasible, and it's not needed to fix T45646.