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Automatic comment and edit summary for "Upload a new version of this file" from a website
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary
for example, i just uploaded to a commons file.

i didnt write anything in "File changes:" in the upload form, so the "Comment" appears blank.

it would be useful if the comment will include the source url for this particular kind of overwrite-upload when it is otherwise empty or only whitespace.

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):

  1. provides basic info when the comment is otherwise blank.
  2. saves uploader time from writing a comment if the upload is self explanatory (like the example is the flickr original).


  1. this is not commons-only, but i cant find a tag for the "upload form".
  2. for uploads from local (not from source url), some kind of automatic comment that gives more info will also be good.