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Show a banner to users to explain why they were redirected to the Main Page when trying to see non-existent Objects
Open, LowPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Open Wikifunctions and ensure you're logged in.
  • Change your interface language to anything other than English (I'm using Polish but it's likely to be reproducible in other languages too).
  • Navigate to a nonexistent ZObject, for example: (it has to be done through the /view/.../Z... endpoint, the language code doesn't matter).

What happens?:
You're redirected to a page whose name is the translation of Main Page into your interface language that's set in your preferences. For example if you set Polish, you would end up atłówna where Strona główna is Polish phrase meaning main page.

What should have happened instead?:
You should be redirected to either the proper main page (Wikifunctions:Main_Page) or to a page saying that the object doesn't exist, like does (notice, here /wiki/Z... endpoint is used).

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

Event Timeline

It seems that we are currently redirecting to the proper Main page. We checked that a few times.

If this can still be replicated, please reopen.

I've just checked and it still persists:

@Msz2001 - thank you for the screen recording! It definitely helped to clarify the steps. Yes, the issue is present for other languages too.

Please review the steps below for the completeness:

(1) UI language is English - a user is logged in

(2) UI language is Polish - a user is logged in

NOTE: If not view/ but wiki/ is used in the url - all behaves as expected, i.e. for the following page is displayed:

Screen Shot 2024-02-12 at 5.25.40 PM.png (650×2 px, 146 KB)

Thanks for fixing

For the other:

  • if easy, I would suggest to either go to an error page "No object with this ZID exists. You can [create a new object], or [search Wikifunctions].", or indeed go to the Main Page as we do now, maybe with such a pop up.
  • If that is not easy, we can move this to "No current plans", and have other suggestions discussed here.

I don't think this is particularly high priority, because navigating directly by a ZID that doesn't exist isn't the most likely path.

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from Viewing nonexistent ZObject redirects to translated name of Main Page to Show a banner to users to explain why the were redirected to the Main Page when trying to see non-existent Objects.Mar 15 2024, 8:38 PM
Jdforrester-WMF lowered the priority of this task from High to Low.
GrounderUK renamed this task from Show a banner to users to explain why the were redirected to the Main Page when trying to see non-existent Objects to Show a banner to users to explain why they were redirected to the Main Page when trying to see non-existent Objects.Mar 15 2024, 9:03 PM