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Unable to move page on recently created Pa'O Wiktionary
Closed, InvalidPublic


Pa'O Wiktionary pages cannot be moved at all, Please solve this issue, thanks.

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Urbanecm subscribed.

Moving itself seems to be work without any issues. The issue you're facing is not having the rights to move a pages. This is happening, because moving pages can only be done by autoconfirmed users and the site was created recently (T343540). Because of the recent creation, your account (and everyone else's) is less than 4 days old, which is the default threshold for autoconfirmed and as such, it doesn't have the rights to move pages (yet).

I went ahead and marked your account as manually confirmed (as a Wikimedia Steward action), and you should be able to move pages now. That being said, this is not a technical issue, and it'd be automatically resolved once your blkwiktionary account is at least 4 days old (ie. on Aug 20). As such, closing this task as Invalid.

Thanks for reporting this!

Thank you very much for your help, but I have a lot of work to do on Pa'O Wiktionary.

Aklapper renamed this task from Unable to move page from Pa'O Wiktionary to Unable to move page on recently created Pa'O Wiktionary.Aug 18 2023, 9:19 AM