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After payment, Venmo redirected to default browser instead of browser used for payment
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While performing a test donation via Venmo while on my iPhone 14 I used Safari browser which took me to Venmo to complete payment. After I completed and confirmed the payment at Venmo it said it was returning me back to WMF to finalize but it took me back to Google Chrome (my default browser on mobile) instead of Safari where I had initiated the donation.

I had to go manually go back into the Safari browser to finish up the donation and when I got there I had to accept/decline the monthly convert ask before finally getting the ty page.

We may want to look at if I hadn’t done the additional step of going back to Safari and declining the monthly convert IF the payment would have finalized or if the donation would not have been successful. Additionally, the redirected back to the incorrect browser to finish up the payment (assuming it’s possibly because Chrome is my default browser) doesn’t seem like ideal donation flow.

I also retested this several times and was able to recreate. Additionally, I took a screen recording if that would be helpful please let me know and I'm happy to share that via email!

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Venmo browser redirect issue to After payment, Venmo redirected to default browser instead of browser used for payment.Sep 27 2023, 9:21 AM

A quick survey for documentation shows this is common behaviour - we may need to figure out a way to communicate to the supporter:

an example from another org's page:

"Paying online with Venmo currently only works when the user's device is using the standard default browser for that mobile device (Safari for iOS or Google Chrome for Android). Additionally, you must have the latest version of the Venmo app on your device and need to opt in to use Venmo for online purchases. For additional FAQs related to online payments with Venmo, visit their support page."