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Cannot test implementation creation via composition
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I'm unable to run/fix the Create a new implementation selenium test because I receive an error in the browser when I try to follow the steps on my local.

Creating a composition implementation for Boolean Equality/Z844, I use the same values as the test, but am unable to publish:

 * Details about the entries in Composition Block.
 * [Function call] [If] - First Function Call
 * [a] condition [Argument reference] [Z844K1]
 * [b] then [Argument reference] [Z844K2]
 * [c] else [Function call] [If] - Second Function Call
 * [c1] condition [Argument reference] [Z844K2]
 * [c2] then [Boolean] [false]
 * [c3] else [Boolean] [true]
const compositionBlockEntries = {
    firstFunctionCallEntries: {
        functionCallLabel: 'If',
        conditionType: 'Argument reference',
        conditionValue: 'Z844K1',
        thenType: 'Argument reference',
        thenValue: 'Z844K2',
        elseType: 'Function call',
        elseValue: 'If'
    secondFunctionCallEntries: {
        functionCallLabel: 'If',
        conditionType: 'Argument reference',
        conditionValue: 'Z844K2',
        thenType: 'Boolean',
        thenValue: 'false',
        elseType: 'Boolean',
        elseValue: 'true'

This is related to T348811.

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 5.16.24 PM.png (1×2 px, 360 KB)

Event Timeline

I am able to publish this particular composition:

Screenshot from 2023-10-20 10-00-17.png (690×484 px, 32 KB)

View mode:

Screenshot from 2023-10-20 10-01-10.png (156×689 px, 19 KB)

I believe you are having issues with selecting the argument reference in our UI, as the way to do it it's not too clear. Here's a loom with how I did this, I hope it's helpful:

@gengh, that worked perfectly, thank you! you're right that i was using the UI incorrectly.