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QuickStatements throws error when creating statements with string values
Open, Needs TriagePublic


"While using QuickStatements for creating statements (with string values), QuickStatements fails to run without showing any error message. The HTTP POST to returns 200, but returns a PHP error in HTML (“Call to undefined function normalizer_normalize() in (…)/quickstatements.php:603”). I suspect this is a server-side issue. I am very grateful if you can have a look at this issue. "

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Event Timeline

Perhaps you need the PHP intl extension to be installed in the QS container, as that function seems to require it.

In my experience of today, QuickStatements on Wikibase Cloud instances is able (given a property Y with datatype string) is able to create one statement PY:value (if the item has no other values of PY already in itself); however, QuickStatements is unable to create a second value for PY in the same item, or to add qualifiers to the existing value(s) of PY. See T365916 about this.