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GUC unreachable
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:

Displayed the following:
502 Bad Gateway
Webservice is unreachable
The tool responsible for the URL you have requested,, is not currently responding.

If you have reached this page from somewhere else...
This URI is managed by the guc tool, maintained by Krinkle, Lucas Werkmeister, Luxo, Majavah.

You may wish to notify the tool's maintainers (above) about the error.

If you maintain this tool
The web service for this tool is running but cannot be reached. Please check the error logs of your web service.


What should have happened instead?:

This tool's normal interface should have displayed

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
Google Chrome Version 119.0.6045.124 (Official Build) (64-bit) on:
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 22H2
Installed on ‎8/‎16/‎2020
OS build 19045.3570
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0

Event Timeline

An hour later, it is responding.

Huajie2020 triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.
Anoop lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to Needs Triage.
Anoop added a subscriber: ------.
Anoop removed a subscriber: ------.
Krinkle claimed this task.
Krinkle subscribed.

This was due to general maintenance with Toolforge, not specific to GUC.