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[Spike] Onboard Dan to AQS 2.0 via Knowledge Gaps Endpoint
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Epic: T351221


Onboarding to AQS 2.0 is the main goal. In service to that, we're migrating the Knowledge Gaps endpoint to its own AQS 2.0 endpoint. What's involved depends on the skills of the assignee, so the acceptance criteria will be from Dan's point of view. And Dan will be trying to play the role of a developer who doesn't know Go and has nothing but documentation to help him get an AQS 2.0 endpoint up.

Acceptance Criteria

Edit: Changed acceptance criteria after the initial onboarding

  • Dan learns enough Go to write an endpoint
  • Draft a plan to refactor existing services (see below)
  • Outline docs and make a plan to write them while implementing the Knowledge Gaps endpoint (see


Plan to Refactor

(please edit/change as needed)

  • Move AQS-related repositories into data-engineering/aqs
  • Move as much common logic as possible into aqs-assist
  • Update Go scaffold to be able to generate a new AQS project complete with aqs-assist and a README that explains:
    • How to set up the development environment
    • How to run unit tests
    • Link to additional documentation around integration tests and deployment on-wiki

An outline for a developer-centric version of the AQS 2.0 documentation is started here:

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