The "Orphan" issue warning in PageTriage (Special:NewPagesFeed) should link to Special:WhatLinksHere so that reviewers check that the page is still orphaned before tagging it as such. New incoming links may have been added since the most recent edit to the page, as pointed out at
While I am not completely sure how to change this, there seems to be relevant code in /modules/ext.pageTriage.views.toolbar/articleInfo.js:
if ( parseInt( this.model.get( 'linkcount' ) ) < 1 ) { this.problemCount++; problems += this.formatProblem( 'orphan' ); }
if ( parseInt( this.model.get( 'linkcount' ) ) < 1 ) { this.problemCount++; const whatLinksHereLink = mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:WhatLinksHere', { page: this.model.get( 'title' ) } ); problems += this.formatProblem( 'orphan' , whatLinksHereLink); }
Based on the related code for the "Previously deleted" warning:
this.problemCount++; const previouslyDeletedLogLink = mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Log', { type: 'delete', page: this.model.get( 'title' ) } ); problems += this.formatProblem( 'recreated', previouslyDeletedLogLink ); }