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[User Story] Commons Impact Metrics Prototype Documentation
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Now that T347998: Commons Impact Metrics - Implement prototype and successfully presented T348000: Commons Impact Metrics - Prepare presentation of prototype at the GLAM Wiki conference, it is time for a broader community consultation period of around two months. So we do not forget how the prototype was made, we need to create documentation that will allows us to easily plan for implementation following the consultation period.

Use Case

Data Products engineers will need these docs to successfully define implementation of the full data product.

User Story/ies

As a Data Platform Engineer, I need commons impact prototype to be well documented, so I can easily pick up the implementation work after the community consultation period.


[Success metric]
Implementation tasks can be written and estimated easily

[User outcome]
Picking-up where we left off will not create major re-onboarding to the work.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Written in English
  • Follows documentation best practices
  • Reviewed by another engineer for comprehension
  • Due by December 4th


  • Drafted in google docs
  • published on wiki

Technical Notes

<Notes, explanation or additional detail added by Engineers>


Artifacts & Resources

Link to diagrams
Link to specifications, architecture and design docs
Link to product one pagers

Event Timeline

Document here:

Tomorrow we're going to have a meeting to discuss whether we change location of the code and clean it up.

Change 979341 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mforns; author: Mforns):

[analytics/refinery@master] Add Commons Impact Metrics code drafts for later

Change 979341 merged by Mforns:

[analytics/refinery@master] Add Commons Impact Metrics code drafts for later