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[S] Update campaign ID format in fundraising campaign metrics
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We should update the campaign_id that we send in the action_data key to fundraising campaign metrics.

iOS currently looks like: app_2023_enIT_iOS_control, app_2023_enNL_iOS_control
Android currently looks like NL_2023_11, IT_2023_11

We should update the campaign IDs to a format like: {assetlang}{campaign object id}_{platform}. For example: enNL_2023_11_iOS itIT_2023_11_Android

Speaking in terms of the config, use the id value, prefix the assets language, and append the platform.

This work should be done after Big English 2023.

Event Timeline

Tsevener renamed this task from Update campaign ID format in fundraising campaign metrics to [S] Update campaign ID format in fundraising campaign metrics.May 7 2024, 3:24 PM
Tsevener claimed this task.

Metrics fixed starting in TestFlight 7.5.1 (3601). This is going out to beta testers today.

SNowick_WMF claimed this task.
SNowick_WMF subscribed.

Validating we are seeing the expected new campaign ID values in action_data data