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[S] Add campaign ID to other events in fundraising campaign metrics
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Add campaign_id to action_data when logging actions donate_click, later_click, close_click, and already_donated click.

Do this work after Big English 2023.

Event Timeline

Tsevener renamed this task from Add campaign ID to other events in fundraising campaign metrics to [S] Add campaign ID to other events in fundraising campaign metrics.May 7 2024, 3:06 PM
Tsevener claimed this task.

Metrics fixed starting in TestFlight 7.5.1 (3601). This is going out to beta testers today.

SNowick_WMF claimed this task.

This is validated - data.

Seeing action_data values for donate_click and later_click, will re-verify when campaign is live for close_click and already_donated events.