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#contentSub and #contentSub2 should not appear inside the visual editor area and should be clickable
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:

  • <div id="contentSub"></div> and <div id="contentSub2"> are displayed inside of Visual Editor, but are greyed out and unclickable and uneditable
  • These two divs are displayed below the "publish" toolbar
  • Has the class .ve-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-uneditableContent
  • This messes up things such as the Special:Undelete hyperlink, making it unclickable

image.png (794×1 px, 105 KB)

What should have happened instead?:

  • <div id="contentSub"></div> and <div id="contentSub2"> should be displayed outside of Visual Editor, not be greyed out, be clickable, and not be editable
  • These two divs should be displayed above the "publish" toolbar
  • Shouldn't have the class .ve-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-uneditableContent

image.png (924×1 px, 113 KB)

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

  • all skins (I tested vector, vector-2022, timeless)

Event Timeline

I'd need the help of an admin to reproduce this. :(

I suspect this would also apply to parsoid read views, not just visual editor, as the HTML content is very similar in the two views. There must be a CSS rule which isn't applying to parsoid-generated HTML. Can we have an admin verify that this happens with ?useparsoid=1 on the reading view of the page?

Could test this in localhost, or apply for testwiki admin (ping Xaosflux for faster processing):

?useparsoid=1 looks like this for me. Looks the same I think.

image.png (1×2 px, 241 KB)