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thumb getmagicword should return local names
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Feature summary:

site.getmagicwords('thumb') should return the local name for the "thumb" image parameter as the first list element.

Currently it only returns the standard ["thumb"] string list...


It returns ['thumb']

It should instead return ['vignette', 'thumb']
For it should return ['mini', 'thumb']
For any language it should return the local language thumb equivalent.

Use case(s):
I want to update Wikipedias with the local language "thumb" parameter.


Bots and Pywikibot script could insert images to Wikipedia the same way as the Visual Editor does.

Event Timeline

Reedy subscribed.

This looks like a pywikibot issue, they are returned by the API in the same order as they're defined in the Messages file:

    "name": "img_manualthumb",
    "aliases": [
    "case-sensitive": ""
    "name": "img_thumbnail",
    "aliases": [
    "case-sensitive": ""
	'img_manualthumb'           => [ '1', 'vignette=$1', 'thumbnail=$1', 'thumb=$1' ],
	'img_thumbnail'             => [ '1', 'vignette', 'thumb', 'thumbnail' ],

And specifically, if you're asking for one that doesn't exist (which thumb doesn't), getmagicwords just returns you the same back verbatim:

def getmagicwords(self, word: str) -> list[str]:
    """Return list of localized "word" magic words for the site."""
    if not hasattr(self, '_magicwords'):
        magicwords = self.siteinfo.get('magicwords', cache=False)
        self._magicwords = {item['name']: item['aliases']
                            for item in magicwords}

    if word in self._magicwords:
        return self._magicwords[word]
    return [word]

Which probably explains why for site.getmagicwords('thumb') you're getting ['thumb'] back...

Reedy changed the subtype of this task from "Feature Request" to "Task".Jan 3 2024, 12:50 AM
JJMC89 subscribed.
>>> import pywikibot
>>> site = pywikibot.Site('fr', 'wikipedia')
>>> site.getmagicwords('img_thumbnail')
['vignette', 'thumb', 'thumbnail']
This comment was removed by Geertivp.